Tuesday, May 5, 2009

sooooo...what do we still need?

One of the big questions that we constantly get when planning for Study Day is "What do you still need?" Well I can confidently answer your question with the following graph and explanation.

It looks like we are good on soups, the biggest need is all the sandwich makings (bread, cheese, lettuce, tomato "fixings"), we are also crazy short on snacks and desserts, veggies, and fruit. So please sign up today for those items.

Now on to volunteers, we are in desperate need for some help cleaning the building, we start that at about 11pm on Monday , May 11th. Please sign up if you are a night owl. For other hours we could use some help on Sunday Night, but it looks like we are in great shape for volunteers for the day of study day.

One other thing, if you are a local business or individual that is interested in giving a large quantity of items, please call my cell 608-345-8460 to let me know so I can plan accordingly.
You can find a link for signing up over on the right!

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